Product code: 0012

Product description

ProPolisPlus® – API spray FRESH is a natural revitalizing dietetic supplement, obtained from highly purified propolis extract in a water solution with an addition of eucalyptus aroma.

API spray FRESH as a natural bactericide, anesthetic and antibiotic, has an exceptional anti-inflammatory effect, enables easier breathing and alleviates the symptoms of cold and flu.

It beneficially affects the throat and pharynx mucous membranes, stops infection development, acts as a natural antiseptic while being of a refreshing taste.

API spray FRESH can be used daily as an exceptionally effective product for protection against diverse external influences but also as a natural breath freshener.



Respiratory infections
Throat and pharynx inflammation
Throat pain and swelling
Breath freshener

Product price:

300,00 RSD

ProPolisPlus® – API spray FRESH is a natural revitalizing dietetic supplement, obtained from highly purified propolis extract in a water solution with an addition of eucalyptus aroma.

API spray FRESH as a natural bactericide, anesthetic and antibiotic, has an exceptional anti-inflammatory effect, enables easier breathing and alleviates the symptoms of cold and flu.

It beneficially affects the throat and pharynx mucous membranes, stops infection development, acts as a natural antiseptic while being of a refreshing taste.

API spray FRESH can be used daily as an exceptionally effective product for protection against diverse external influences but also as a natural breath freshener.


Respiratory infections
Throat and pharynx inflammation
Throat pain and swelling
Breath freshener

See also...

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Echinacea tincture

345,00 RSD

ProPolisPlus® – Echinacea tincture is extraordinary for alleviating the first simptoms of cold and flu as well as for reducing chronic respiratory infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis and throat inflammation. It is very effective in fighting fungal infections of the genitourinary system, especially prostate and bladder.

Ehinacea tincture accelerates the healing of all kinds of skin infections including eczemas. The best effect can be made if the preparation is taken as soon as the first symptoms of cold or flu are noticed, because that is when the organism will get help to most naturally defend itself from the infections.



Viral and bacterial infections
Cold and flu symptoms
Respiratory infections
Fungal infections
Surface wounds

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API Drops

300,00 RSD

ProPolisPlus® – API Drops is a natural revitalizing dietetic supplement, obtained from propolis of exceptional quality in water solution.

As a natural bactericide, anesthetic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibiotic, propolis has an exceptional anti-inflammatory effect, as well as anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.

API Drops are exceptionally effective in strengthening the organism’s defensive capabilities. They are used with cold and flu symptoms, throat and pharynx inflammation, frequent coughing, as well as with problems regarding gum inflammation.



Cold and flu symptoms
Throat and pharynx inflammation
Throat pain and swelling
Gum inflammation
Boosting immunity

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Balm tincture

300,00 RSD 345,00 RSD

ProPolisPlus® – Balm tincture is extraordinary for alleviating the first symptoms of cold and flu as well as for reducing chronic respiratory infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis and throat inflammation.

Balm tincture is also used as a mild and pleasant treatment for nausea, diarrhea and bad digestion, eases cramps and strengthens the flow of bile.



Bad digestion
Nerve tension

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Vitamin C tablets RASPBERRY

288,00 RSD

ProPolisPlus® – Vitamin C tablets RASPBERRY are a refreshing and exceptionally effective dietetic supplement for organism strengthening, as well as for protection against many types of viral and bacterial inflammations.

Vitamin C as a natural antioxidant takes part in numerous biochemical processes through which it positively affects the immune system, the body’s natural resistance. Alleviates the negative effects that free radicals and a myriad of surrounding allergens have on the human organism.



Strengthening the organism
Boosting immunity
Reducing fatigue and exhaustion
Iron absorption improvement
Cold and flu symptoms
Viral and bacterial infections